

In the regional Office of "New Moscow" administration the first meeting of the District Business Council was held.

The first meeting of the  Business Council was held June 13, 2019 in the regional Office of “New Moscow” administration. The meeting was attended by businessmen from towns and settlements of the New Moscow administrative districts. The event was organized by the branch “New Moscow” of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and with the assistance of the District Administration.

The Chief of the branch of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Konstantin Krokhin, told the participants in detail about the goals of creating a Business Council, methods and tools for protecting the interests of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as measures to support entrepreneurs in the Chamber’s arsenal.

The position of the district executive bodies was presented by the Head of the Trade and Services Department, Chingiz Kochal-Ipa, during the Council meeting a lively discussion and a constructive exchange of views took place. Entrepreneurs received direct answers to all the burning questions related to their current activities. This format of communication was recognized by the participants as necessary and useful, and therefore, the provisional agenda of the next meeting of the Business Council was formed.

New members of the Chamber from the city of Troitsk also spoke to the audience, who told about themselves and explained the positive aspects of membership in the MCCI by personal example.

The meeting participants supported the initiative of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the New Moscow administration to hold a sectoral training seminar on labor protection and solving the problems of entrepreneurs related to the preparation of cadastral documents for real estate objects by the end of the month.